Blessing Bags
Sunday, February 16
12:00 pm (after church)
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” – Matthew 25:40 NIV
What is the Blessing Bag project?
Friendship United Methodist Church will assemble 100 Blessing Bags for our un-housed neighbors after the church service. These bags will be filled with essential items such as snacks, toiletries, and winter apparel to help those in need. And then we'll distribute them in the community.
We need your support! Please consider donating items to help us fill these Blessing Bags. All donations should be brought to church by February 9 to ensure we can make a meaningful impact.
Together, we can share love and kindness with our community. Thank you for your generosity!
Donate Supplies
There are 3 ways to donate supplies:
Purchase Items from Amazon Wishlist: When you receive the items, bring them to Rohit Khanna, the coordinator of the project. ORDER SUPPLIES ON AMAZON NOW
Note: Below each item, it will indicate the quantity needed and how many have already been purchased. Add item(s) to your cart and purchase as you normally would.
Purchase Items On Your Own: You may purchase items from other retailers (Costco, grocery store, etc.). If you chose this option, please either (1) mark items as “purchased elsewhere” in the above link, or (2) send an email to Rohit Khanna to let him know.
Give a Donation – Put a check in the Offering Plate, marked "Blessing Bags" in the memo line.
Participate in Blessing Bag Assembly
Join us for worship on Sunday, February 16 at 12:00 pm. After a 45 minute service that day, we'll launch into hands-on mission and assemble the 100 Blessings Bags.
Give Out Blessing Bags
Members and friends are invited to take one or more Blessing Bags to keep in your car so that when the opportunity presents itself to give it out, you will be ready. Remember, to introduce yourself and offer a word of blessing to those you encounter.
Share Your Experience
We'd love to hear your experience of giving out Blessing Bags in the local community. Send an email to Rohit Khanna and Pastor Jim, and possibly share a word of witness in an upcoming service.