Advent 2024

Hanging of the Greens

2nd Sunday of Advent
Dec 8 - 11 am

A special service that explores the meaning behind various Christmas symbols and customs.

The service will incorporate favorite hymns and a guest flutist.

Festival of Lessons & Carols

4th  Sunday of Advent
Dec 22 - 11 am

On the last Sunday of Advent we will offering a service of Lessons & Carols. 

This service will retell the Christmas story by weaving together Scripture lessons and complementary carols, choral music, and handbells.

Christmas Eve Family Service

Sun, Dec 24 - 4 pm

This service is designed for families with young children in mind. 

We will retell the story of the first Christmas with a children’s pageant and carol singing.  There will also be candle lighting (or electric candles for little hands). 

If your child would like to participate
in the pageant

Christmas Eve
Candlelight Service

Sat, Dec 24 - 7 pm

This will be a traditional Christmas Eve service featuring carol singing, special music, Holy Communion, and candlelighting. 

Angel Tree

Each year Friendship UMC sponsors 50+ children from the Annandale Christian Community for Action (ACCA) Child Development Center (CDC). The ACCA CDC provides affordable childcare for low-income families in our local community. 

Through Angel Tree, we strive to bring a little extra Christmas joy to families in need. 

Pick Your Angel
Pick up your angel(s) starting on Nov 24 or contact the church office.

Return Your Gifts
Please wrapped gifts, place them in a large bag (1 per child) and attach your child's angel to the outer bag. Put them under the angel by Sun, Dec 8.